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March 26, 2021

Lacking Equipment? Try Strength Training Without Weights  

You don’t need a full gym to build lean muscle. Strength training without weights can be just as effective as lifting heavy iron — provided you do it the right way. Our workout, designed by Anytime Fitness, allows you to build strength without stepping foot in a gym.  

Ready to get started? Learn why strength training is important, along with a few suggestions for where you can workout in the Inspirada community. 

Why Is Strength Training Important? 

There is a common misconception that strength training is for building muscle and cardio is for losing weight. Yes, cardio is great for burning calories. But if you’re avoiding strength training because you want to shed a few pounds, you’re missing out on many benefits.   

Strength training helps you reduce body fat, increase lean muscle and burn calories more efficiently than cardio alone. This type of training also helps you prevent injuries so that you can stay active and healthyWorking our muscles is especially important as we age since lean muscle mass decreases the older we get. The stronger you are, the more calories you’ll burn at rest, which results in leaner muscle mass.   

Can’t Get To the Gym? Try Outdoor Strength Training! 

When most people think of strength training, they envision muscle-bound people pumping iron. While that is certainly true for some, you don’t always need weights to train. You can use your body weight to get just as challenging of a workout 

The best part about strength training without weights is you can build muscle anywhere. Our outdoor strength workout provided by Anytime Fitness is designed for outside the gymAny of Inspirada’s five parks, like Potenza Park, have plenty of space to exercise.  

Strength Training by Anytime Fitness 

The experts at Anytime Fitness provided this workout for people looking to stay active anywhere. Keep in mind you’ll want to warm up your muscles before starting any fitness routine. Just because you’re not using weights doesn’t mean you can’t injure yourself or pull a muscle. Proper form is also key. Stay upright with your chest out when performing jumping jacks or high knees. When performing pushups, stay rigid and don’t arch your back.  

Light Warmup 

Warmup with 6 min walk/fast walk/jog moving to faster paces every two minutes. (Any additional stretching individuals feel the need to do).  

Active Warmup  

  • 30second jumping jacks   
  • 30second burpees  
  • 30second break  
  • 30second high knees  
  • 30second ski jumps (side to side)   
  • 30second pushups  
  • 30second break  

Rounds Each 

  • Set a 15-yard distance for sprints  
  • 1 min situps  
  • 15-yard sprint  
  • 1 min lunge to squat  
  • 15-yard sprint  
  • 1 min mountain climbers (do 1 push up every 20 mountain climbers)  
  • 15-yard sprint  
  • 5 min rest  

Don’t forget to recover with a little stretching and breathing after your workout. It’s a terrific way to lower your heart rate slowly and safely 

Strength training without weights allows you to workout without ever stepping foot in a gym. Luckily, Inspirada offers plenty of outdoor spaces where you can stay active. Ready to find the perfect home for your family in West Henderson? Explore Inspirada’s inventory of move-in ready homes and find the perfect place to reach your fitness goals. 

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